Postings Data - Delay in Daily Updates


We have pushed through the delayed daily updates for postings data, in both Snowflake and the Datafeed.

Note: Our goal is to update by noon daily (EST). To accomplish this goal we have started deploying that day's release earlier, meaning that the updated date could look like it is a day behind, when in reality were just able to release that day's data sooner than we did historically.


We are experiencing a delay in our daily update process, for Job Postings documents. We are working to address this and apologize for any inconvenience caused. We will continue to post updates as this progresses.

Began at:

Affected components
  • Data Share
    • Postings ANZ
    • Postings CA
    • Postings Global
    • Postings SG
    • Postings UK
    • Postings US