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The scheduled maintenance is now underway. We'll keep you updated on our progress.
As part of our effort to add clarity to the taxonomies used and to better align the use of taxonomy labels and their versions across all services, we will be introducing go-forward taxonomy labels and corresponding outputs as part of the 2024.8 classifier release in the Classification API. At the same time we will be sunsetting the use of release specific government taxonomies. In order to consume the 2024.8 Classifier release of the /postings/classify operation, please refer to the following taxonomy labels that will be sunset, and their go-forward counterpart:
Example request and response using the new taxonomy labels:
"context": {
"company": "Collateral Management",
"title": "Personal Property Appraiser",
"body": "This is a sample job posting for a full-time Appraiser. The salary starts at $70,000 per year. You should have 4 years of experience in Property Appraisal. Associate's Degree in Real Estate or relevant field of study preferred."
"outputs": [
"data": {
"cip_standard": {
"id": "52.1501"
"naics_standard": {
"id": "531320"
"onet_standard": {
"id": "13-2022.00"
"soc_lightcast": {
"id": "13-2028"
"soc_standard": {
"id": "13-2022"
"warnings": []
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