Job Postings: Source Type incorrectly represented


We've now resolved the incident. Thanks for your patience.


The SOURCES column in the Snowflake and Lightcast Data Feeds have been corrected.

The sources field in the API services is still incorrectly presenting "NONE".

The type value in the ACTIVE_SOURCES_INFO object is still incorrectly presenting "NONE" in all Job Posting Delivery mechanisms (Snowflake, Data Feed & API)

These issues will be resolved with the next Job Postings Pipeline Run expected to publish on May 17th, 2024.


This issue has been resolved for the Job Posting Datasets in Snowflake.

This issue will be resolved for the Data Feeds with the next Fortnightly generation of files on May 3rd, 2024.

This issue will be resolved in the Job Posting API with the next Job Postings Pipeline Run expected to publish on May 17th, 2024.


We have experienced a problem in our processing pipeline that has resulted in the source_types field being universally set to ["NONE"], as well as the "type" value in the active_sources_info field being set to "NONE".

Beginning tomorrow new data will added with proper source types. We are investigating a way to correct the existing data.


The fields:

  • source_type
  • active_sources_info

Are set to "NONE". This is not expected. We are investigating this issue.

Began at:

Affected components
  • API
    • Job Postings API
      • Canada Job Postings API
      • Global Job Postings API
      • UK Job Postings API
      • US Job Postings API
  • Data Feed
    • Postings US
    • Postings CA
    • Postings UK
    • Postings ANZ
    • Postings SG