Job Postings - All Geos - Improvement to data delivery timelines

23 hours and 59 minutes

The update is now complete. Thanks for your patience.


The scheduled maintenance is now underway. We'll keep you updated on our progress.


On May 20, 2024, Lightcast will implement an improvement to our Job Postings data delivery timelines. Instead of delivering data from two days ago by noon Eastern, we will begin delivery data from the prior day by midnight Eastern. For example, currently data from June 1 would be released by noon Eastern on June 3. Once the improvements are in place, however, data from June 1 will be released by midnight Eastern on June 2.

Began at:

Affected components
  • API
    • Job Postings API
      • Canada Job Postings API
      • Global Job Postings API
      • UK Job Postings API
      • US Job Postings API
  • Snowflake
    • Postings ANZ
    • Postings CA
    • Postings Global
    • Postings SG
    • Postings UK
    • Postings US