ACS | IPEDS | Cost of Living API - Updated US Geographies

23 hours and 55 minutes

Due to geography changes introduced with the 2024.4 and 2025.1 dataruns, we have introduced a query parameter to the ACS, IPEDS, and Cost of Living API's - datarun. The current datarun is "2024.3" which corresponds with the 2024.3 area definitions. On March 10, 2025 the datarun will default to "2025.1" which will correspond with the 2024.4 and 2025.1 datarun area definitions.

The 2024.4 and 2025.1 data incorporates some geography changes to MSAs across the US. Particularly of note is that all Connecticut counties are changing. We suggest taking this time to check for any issues that may arise.


To opt into 2025.1 datarun early add the parameter datarun=2025.1 to your queries.

Affected components
  • API
    • ACS API
    • Cost of Living API