UK Postings - Posting IDs will be both stored and appear as strings, increasing in length to 40 characters

23 hours and 59 minutes

The maintenance is now complete. Thanks for your patience.


The scheduled maintenance is now underway. We'll keep you updated on our progress.


As per our update announcements in UK Postings - Implementing deduplication improvements, some adjustments are coming to UK job posting IDs on Nov 17:

Posting IDs will change to the new go forward Lightcast format also now present in our other postings data sets. Previously, although stored as strings, the IDs appeared as integers. With this change, the IDs will both be stored and appear as strings, increasing in length to 40 characters.

Began at:

Affected components
  • Analyst
  • Developer
  • Talent Analyst
  • College Analyst
  • API
    • Job Postings API
      • UK Job Postings API
  • Data Share
    • Postings UK